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We have met with Bob Delves on more than one occasion and have been completely impressed with his outstanding qualifications and desire to dedicate such considerable skills to our unique village. In large and small gatherings of residents with wide-ranging questions and observations, Bob listens and conveys thoughtful, practical and factual information. We appreciate Bob's clear-minded goals for quality council meetings, effective and prudent. We are all the more confident in Carmel-By-The-Sea having a great path forward with Bob Delves. Rochelle & Randy Mapes — Rochelle Mapes

I have been attending the City Council meetings since last January. I did not know Bob Delves until he spoke at several of these meetings. I was impressed by what he said and the common sense of his words. I support Bob Delves for the CBTS City Council. — Noel Carr

Bob's experience on the Carmel-by-the-Sea Planning Commission and as a former mayor has greatly impressed us. His financial expertise, especially in budget scrutiny and long-range planning, is exactly what our town needs. With annual budgets now exceeding $30 million, we believe Bob's vision and leadership will bring essential improvements. We fully support him in his campaign for Carmel City Council. — Mo and Fay Massoudi

Bob Delves listens. He asks questions to get the information he needs to make responsible decisions. He has common sense. Bob is experienced with how City Governments work and how to work with city employees to get good results. He is fiscally responsible and has an impressive and successful background. Bob is a good neighbor who cares about our city. Bob has proven himself with his work on the Planning Commission. We have some good candidates for City Council, but I think the best choice is Bob and he has my vote. — Robert Faussner

Bob Delves has demonstrated the interest, work ethic, and leadership skills to be the person we need on the Carmel-by-the-Sea City Council. He has served us for over four years on our Carmel Planning Commission, demonstrating a strong commitment to serving and protecting our community. He has an impressive and lengthy record of leadership in the private and public sectors, including his service as a mayor in his previous home in Colorado.  Bob would make one heck of a good City Council member for our Village. He has my support, and I encourage you to vote for Bob Delves for City Council on November 5th. — Jeanne Le Vett

Bob is a clear-thinking problem solver. He does his homework, asks questions and truly listens. This leads to better solutions.  With his impressive range of experience in the public and private sectors, I know he is someone we can count to serve us well on our City Council.  He has my vote. — Judith Profeta

Bob Delves is exactly what we need at the Council level. His experience in City government, including his four years serving on our Planning Commission, is very broad. He will hit the ground running. He has my enthusiastic support and my vote. — Ken White
Former Carmel Mayor

Bob is a good listener, understands fiscal responsibility and long-range planning, and has years of leadership experience, locally on our Carmel Planning Commission, and in a small Colorado town as Mayor. We need a clear thinker who is responsive to our residents and the historic value of our community. Please help spread the word about this exceptional candidate. — Sandra Berris

Bob's extensive leadership experience in the private sector and previous government experience in Colorado along with his tenure on The Carmel-by-the-Sea Planning Commission will make him a tremendous asset to City Council. I wholeheartedly support Bob Delves for City Council. — Graeme Robertson
Carmel Residents Association Board President

Bob Delves is an unusually gifted individual whose knowledge of local government and of Carmel in particular demonstrate that he has all of the qualities that our little village needs at this crucial time in our history. Our city leaders are spending well beyond our means, and we are floundering without meaningful direction while we allow the State of California to undermine our ability to govern ourselves in a rational manner. I believe Bob has the skills we need to set things right and I happily endorse him for a seat on City Council. We need him now more than ever.  — Gerard Rose
Carmel City Council 2000-2010

Bob's extensive experience and connection to our community make him an exceptional candidate. His vision for our town blends innovative solutions with a respectful nod to our historic heritage. Bob's approach to governance is both inclusive and pragmatic, ensuring that every voice is heard, and every concern is addressed. — Donna Jett
Carmel Community Activities Commissioner

Bob Delves will probably be the last person to tell you about all he accomplished as mayor of a small town in Colorado. You may not even know he's been a Carmel Planning Commissioner for four years or that he is adept at financial analysis. He may not tell you that his determination runs silent but deep. He is a deft listener, uses common sense, and has no personal agenda nor desire to be "important" in the eyes of the public. Only vote for Bob Delves for city council if you want a genuine and refreshing leader who will hear your concerns about Carmel-by-the-Sea and will sincerely dedicate his time to develop and implement sensible, actionable solutions. Just don't expect him to brag about it. — Shirley Moon
Community Volunteer

I’ve been lucky to get to know the wonderful way that Bob’s mind works, both by observing him on the Planning Commission and then by working closely with him on a citizen volunteer group tackling the state housing rules, which are so mismatched with our small historic village. Bob is always prepared, always thoughtful, and always collaborative. He has that rare talent of being able to listen, digest seemingly complex or contradictory information, then present a clear synthesis that clarifies and moves the issues forward — all without ego or fuss. His fiscal experience back in Colorado local government will surely help us ordinary citizens process the raw annual budget numbers so that we can direct our taxpayer dollars even more wisely. I look forward to having Bob on our Council! — Victoria Beach
Former City Councilor and Planning Commissioner

Bob Delves is a strong advocate of our community values and a person of integrity, empathy, and inclusivity. His background in the private sector, coupled with his public service, differentiates Bob and uniquely positions him to address pressing issues facing our town. Bob has led budgeting and financial planning initiatives in his public leadership roles. His willingness to listen and involve residents in decision-making processes underscores his genuine commitment to representing the interests of our community. Bob is the leader we need! — Tim Twomey

Bob and I both serve on the Carmel-by-the-Sea Planning Commission. I have experienced firsthand his pragmatic approach to analysis and decision making. Bob consistently demonstrates his commitment to protecting Carmel's character while leaving space for innovation; a balance that is very difficult to master. I believe Bob's skills and background will greatly benefit the City Council in setting policies for protecting community character and in long-term strategic and financial planning. Stefan Karapetkov, Carmel Planning Commissioner — Stefan Karapetkov
Carmel Planning Commissioner

It is said that one doesn't know someone well until you live with them or work with them. I had the pleasure of the latter. It was my advantage to work with Bob when he was appointed to the Carmel Planning Commission. At that point, I had served many years on the Commission and was the Vice-chair. I was pleased to see his attention to the myriad rules, regulations for the City of Carmel, the State of California and the Uniform building code. His willingness to study each project in depth, coupled with his prior government experience in Colorado, as well as his other years in the private sector, were a great advantage to his performance. I am thrilled to support him in his candidacy for City Council in the City of Carmel. — GAIL LEHMAN
Former Carmel Planning Commissioner

As soon as you meet Bob Delves you know he is a kind, sensible and thoughtful person. Both he and his wife Jen are friendly, down to earth people. They appreciate Carmel’s natural beauty and are dedicated to protecting the qualities that make Carmel’s character uniquely special. We met Bob through his 4 years of dedicated service on our Carmel Planning Commission. He stands out as a good listener and reasonable decision maker. We have noticed Bob read and digest complex details on a variety of projects, listen carefully to multiple perspectives, and ask the right questions to become fully informed so that his decisions are thoughtful and reasonable. He is collaborative and respectful of others while offering clarity on his own positions. Bob brings 45 years of leadership experience in the public, private and non-profit sectors, including serving as a popular Mayor in in a Colorado resort town. This extensive leadership experience, his intelligence, his dedication to serve and protect Carmel’s character, his personal integrity and his full-time dedication is the type of leadership we need today on Carmel-by-the-Sea’s City Council. We highly recommend Bob Delves for City Council!  — Dr. Dylan J. Witt and Tasha Witt

Carmel-by-the-Sea is lucky to have Bob as a committed and engaged resident and citizen. His current role on the Carmel Planning Commission has proven him to be in touch with the residents and protective of our community character. He brings decades of leadership experience in the private and public sectors which our community needs. Bob does his homework and carefully listens before offering recommendations and making important decisions - all essential to the critical decisions ahead for the Carmel future we want, need and hope to share. Bob has my vote! — Nancy Twomey

“I support Bob Delves because he has been a wise and fearless leader on the Planning Commission. He played a significant role in adopting a strong wireless ordinance to protect the residents of Carmel from unnecessary cell tower proliferation. He listens, and he cares. Carmel is fortunate to have someone as thoughtful and dedicated as Bob willing to serve the community he loves.” ~Christy Hollenbeck — Christy Hollenbeck

Bob Delves for Carmel City Council
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